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Sing, Pray, Love and Heal

I honour you all 😍🍀🎶🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻…

I Honour You' van Harimandir

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We love playing. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us to play on your event, big or small. Online or live. 

 We are into it and love making it possible. 

This is our soul work and we love sharing it with the world. 


I honour you

Het is gelukt.

10 nummers, massa’s liefde, de klank van vriendschap Mario Nunes Dos Santos, Maarten Marvelous, Kassim Ras, Ferenz Kallos, de klank van een moeder met haar dochters Jojuca Nunes Dos Santos, Indira Nunes Dos Santos en Cecilia, de toegewijde hulp van de soundman Patrik Niels, de fotoshoot Erwin Derous en het artwork Pieter Demeyer,...

Maar vooral ook de support en het geloof in wat ik doe, door zo veel mensen.

Wat een eer! Ik ben oneindig dankbaar voor jullie allemaal in mijn leven.

I honour you all 😍🍀🎶🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻…

I Honour You' van Harimandir

Heel dankbaar voor verder delen, gebruiken, downloaden, luisteren...

Lieselot Harmanderpal Kaur is based in Bruges, Belgium. She has a strong connection to children, nature and music. Not only as the mother of 4 kids, but also through her job in nature education and as a storyteller. Singing mantras was her way to find kundalini yoga. Encouraged by the enthusiasm and support of many people she sings her way through the blocks, the ups and downs of life. Experiencing singing as liberating, freeing, comforting and as a way to resonate all together.

The mantraband ‘Harimandir’ is a close group of friends. Joining each other to play together and share this joy with the people, big and small. The debute album ‘Begin’ was just a warm-up. With the new album ‘I honour you’ they present a warm authentic sound that can touch any listener with an open heart.

ondertussen op youtube ;-)

Har har har har gobinday

ad guray nameh + Celestial 

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